Workers posing on top of a building under construction

Meet the Herd

We Build Better because we all expect better from ourselves, and we expect better from each other. Every member of the Herd is here because they share our belief in superior craftsmanship, and stellar service.

It takes a special kind of person to join the herd

Our Herd is full of good people doing great work. We’re proud of that fact, and we do everything to support them so they can bring their best, and live our values every day.

Interested in joining our team? You're in luck. We're hiring!

herd mentality

Our values

We build relationships where both people and projects thrive.

We Honor, We Recognize and We Appreciate

Your wins are our wins, and we’re proud to celebrate them with you. We honor the sacrifice our field team and their families make every day. We recognize the accomplishments and talent of our Herd. We appreciate the hard work, time, and dedication our teammates and partners give day in and day out. 

Meet the herd

Anthony Abbott with a big smile as he stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Anthony Abbott

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Anthony Abbott smoking meat on the grill, with his dog, while the batman symbol is on display in the sky.
“The days that I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, I have really good days…” –Ray Wylie Hubbard
Anthony Abbott
Jason Aberli wearing a smile, standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Jason Aberli

Chief Financial Officer

Caricature of Jason Aberli signing number one and golfing.
“Winning isn’t for everyone.” -Nike
Jason Aberli
Lauren Aberli wearing a large smile, standing in buffalo's office space.

Lauren Aberli

Senior Support Specialist

Caricature of Lauren Aberli photographing wildlife in a forest, surrounded by birds, bunnies and a deer.
"You just can't beat the person who never gives up." -Babe Ruth
Lauren Aberli
Craig Abraham smiling in a bright, modern office.

Craig Abraham

Team Member For Life

 Caricature of Craig Abraham lifting a heavy barbell.
“You cannot control the wind, but you can adjust the sails.” -Various
Craig Abraham
Erin Anderson wearing a smile, standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Erin Anderson

Project Accountant

Caricature of Erin Anderson building a Star Wars lego masterpiece.
"If you're losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon." – Katherine Switzer
Erin Anderson
Tony Baker in a brown cowboy hat, wearing a smile as he stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Tony Baker

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Tony Baker waving with his black jeep behind him.
"I either win or I learn. You only lose when you don't learn from your mistakes." –Nelson Mandela
Tony Baker
Hailey Baumann wearing a white shirt and a nice smile in a bright, modern office.

Hailey Baumann

Project Engineer

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Michael Jordan
Hailey Baumann
Sierra Baumle smiling as she stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Sierra Baumle

Marketing Director

Caricature of Sierra Baumle cooking up a feast in her kitchen, with her dog by her side.
"Well-behaved women seldom make history." -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Sierra Baumle
Major Bell smiling, wearing a plaid button down , standing in buffalo's office space.

Major Bell

Project Engineer

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"It may be necessary to encounter...defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it." -Maya Angelou
Major Bell
Aaron Bixby giving a slight smile, in a red buffalo branded polo, standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Aaron Bixby

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Aaron Bixby at a Vikings football game, in the stands, wearing a number 10 jersey and waving a flag.
"Every failure is a lesson. If you are not willing to fail, you are not willing to succeed." -Unknown but derived from Henry Ford
Aaron Bixby
Rick Black wearing a smile, standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Rick Black

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Rick Black capturing photographs of wildlife in a forest, surrounded by bald eagles.
"You are the master of your own destiny so give and take the best that you can-fight the good fight every moment, every day." -Triumph
Rick Black
Brian Blank giving a hint of a smile, while wearing a gray buffalo branded polo standing in buffalo's office space.

Brian Blank

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Brian Blank sitting in a chair, cheering on a Tennessee football game on a TV outside of his RV.
"There are 24 hours in a day and 24 beers in a case...coincidence? I think not." -Brian Blank
Brian Blank
Kristin Bowman wearing a smile, standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Kristin Bowman

Assistant Controller

Caricature of Kristin Bowman working out and lifting weights.
"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." -Babe Ruth
Kristin Bowman
John Brewer smiling, wearing a buffalo branded polo and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

John Brewer

Project Engineer

The Buffalo president
"Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely." — Auguste Rodin
John Brewer
Shiann Briscoe smiling brightly as she stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Shiann Briscoe

Project Engineer

The Buffalo president
"Dreams don't have deadlines." — Unknown
Shiann Briscoe
Chad Bruner wearing a buffalo branded polo and smiling in a bright, modern office.

Chad Bruner

Project Manager

Caricature of Chad Bruner catching a fish while deep sea fishing and wearing a hat that says let's go Muddin'.
"Nobody cares about your fears. You either show up and get it done, or you don't." -Unknown
Chad Bruner
Roman A. Buffalo surrounded by land, looking pensive.

Roman A. Buffalo


Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"Building Better means always doing the right thing."
Roman A. Buffalo
Dan Burke smiling as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Dan Burke


Caricature of Dan Burke petting his dog on a hike while wearing a Titans jersey.
"We study history not to know the future but to...understand that...we have many more possibilities before us than we imagine." -Yuval Noah Harari
Dan Burke
Robert Callahan smiling, wearing a blue button down and standing in buffalo's office space.

Robert Callahan

Project Manager

Caricature of Robert Callahan riding his motorcycle with an American flag flowing in the wind on the back.
"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." -Mark Twain
Robert Callahan
Joe Cantrell smiling, wearing a buffalo branded polo in a bright, modern office.

Joe Cantrell

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Joe Cantrell riding a horse along a cliff's edge.
"Spend the same effort solving problems that you use to identify them." -Mike Abbate
Joe Cantrell
Chad Carson wearing a hat and polo, standing in buffalo's office space.

Chad Carson

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Chad Carson wearing UGA gear, holding a large fish while fishing from his boat.
"It's 5 o'clock somewhere." -Alan Jackson/Jimmy Buffet
Chad Carson
Mark Cassady wearing a buffalo branded button down and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Mark Cassady

Project Estimator

Caricature of Mark Cassady camping with his motorcycle in the mountains.
"You can't always control circumstances. However, you can always control your attitude, approach, and response." –Tony Dungy
Mark Cassady
Ed Cazares with a slight smile as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Ed Cazares

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Ed Cazares at a Dodgers baseball game, sitting in the stand with nachos and a beverage in hand.
"Life is what you make it. First die, then quit." -Edgardo Cazares
Ed Cazares
Ryan Coffman with a soft smile, wearing a gray Carrhartt shirt, standing in buffalo's office space.

Ryan Coffman

Buffalo Builders Crew Member

The Buffalo president
"Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but doing it like you love it. Discipline is how you succeed." -Mike Tyson
Ryan Coffman
TJ Cole wearing a buffalo branded sweater, smiling in a bright, modern office.

TJ Cole

Project Engineer

Caricature of TJ Cole hiking with his dog.
"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it." -Jordan Belfort
TJ Cole
Enos Colvin wearing a bright blue buffalo branded polo, smiling and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Enos Colvin

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Enos Colvin with holding his dog Cujo in his backyard.
"God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change; COURAGE to change the things I can; and WISDOM to know the difference."
Enos Colvin
Colby Corbell with bright blue eyes, smiling and standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Colby Corbell

Project Engineer

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"Tough times don't last, tough people do." -Larry Corbell (Colby's Grandfather)
Colby Corbell
Blake Daher wearing a fun hat and red patterned polo, standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Blake Daher

Project Engineer

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy." — Billy Currington
Blake Daher
Schuyler Dartt standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Schuyler Dartt

Project Superintendent

The Buffalo president
Quote pending...Schuyler is busy building!
Schuyler Dartt
Michael Davis wearing a buffalo branded sweater and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Michael Davis

Project Manager

Caricature of Michael Davis running with a gray run Atlanta t-shirt.
"You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was." - Abraham Lincoln
Michael Davis
Taryn Day smiling, wearing a black top and black jacket, standing in buffalo's office space.

Taryn Day

Project Accountant

The Buffalo president
Quote pending... Taryn is busy crunching numbers!
Taryn Day
LeeAnn Diaz smiling as she stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

LeeAnn Diaz

Field Safety Specialist

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"Live from the heart of yourself. Seek to be whole, not perfect." -Oprah Winfrey
LeeAnn Diaz
Chris Dickerson looking charming while in a bright, modern office.

Chris Dickerson

Learning and Development Manager

Caricature of Chris Dickerson golfing while wearing a Colts polo, he just finished his swing and the ball is in air.
"If you think like everyone else, act like everyone else, [and] follow...everyone else, guess what: You'll be like everyone else." -Tim S. Grover
Chris Dickerson
David Dierson standing proudly in front of a statue of a buffalo.

David Dierson

Project Superintendent

Caricature of David Dierson standing proudly in front of a classic car.
"Don't rush through life- it's a journey, not a race. Trust in the goodness of people."
David Dierson
Jason Dillard with bright blue eyes and a smile, standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Jason Dillard

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Jason Dillard waving and riding his utility vehicle.
"I hit the ball as hard as I can. If I can find it, I hit it again." -John Daly
Jason Dillard
Jack Doherty wearing buffalo branded button down and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Jack Doherty

Project Engineer

Caricature of Jack Doherty with a drink in hand on the Ohio river with the skyline of Louisville in the background
"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." -Charles R. Swindoll
Jack Doherty
Keith Donoho wearing a bright green buffalo branded polo and smiling in a bright, modern office.

Keith Donoho

Buffalo Builders Crew Lead

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"Honesty, respect, integrity, and trust are the key ingredients for growth and lasting relationships. It all starts with us." -Christen Killick
Keith Donoho
Brian Donoho wearing a gray polo and standing in buffalo's office space.

Brian Donoho

Project Estimator

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" - Walt Disney
Brian Donoho
Matt Dudley wearing a large mustache and a smile while standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Matt Dudley

Business Unit Leader - Preconstruction

Caricature of Matt Dudley wearing a large mustache and a smile, with a pink beverage and a book in hand, lounging on the beach.
"The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything." -Teddy Roosevelt
Matt Dudley
Nick Duffey wearing a buffalo branded polo and smiling softly in a bright, modern office.

Nick Duffey

Project Engineer

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"It ain't about how hard you hit: it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." -Ricky Balboa
Nick Duffey
Tony Dulceak wearing a bright blue buffalo branded polo and smiling as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Tony Dulceak

Project Manager

Caricature of Tony Dulceak scuba diving with an array of fish and other sea creatures.
"Just be you and smile back."
Tony Dulceak
Charlie Evans smiling and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Charlie Evans

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Charlie Evans hunting, wearing camo, while a rabbit, turkey and deer surround him.
"That's what you came up with?? What happened?? You did what to who??" -Charlie Evans, South Florida Jamaicans
Charlie Evans
Valerie Eversole smiling as she stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Valerie Eversole

Project Accountant

Caricature of Valeria enjoying a beverage on the beach.
"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else." -Booker T. Washington
Valerie Eversole
Patrick Everson wearing a smile and standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Patrick Everson

Project Estimator

Caricature of Patrick Everson canoeing with his dog along a river.
"There is little success where there is little laughter." -Andrew Carnegie
Patrick Everson
Cameron Faulkner standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Cameron Faulkner

Project Administrator

The Buffalo president
"Life isn't made unbearable by circumstance, but by lack of meaning and purpose." – Viktor E. Frankl
Cameron Faulkner
Dan Fellows with a big smile and cowboy hat, standing in buffalo's office space.

Dan Fellows

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Dan Fellows playing records on his record player with a lava lamp, many records surrounding him and wearing a beetles t-shirt.
"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality." -John Lennon
Dan Fellows
Zach Fields, wearing a red buffalo branded polo as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Zach Fields

Project Engineer

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." -Tim Notke
Zach Fields
Tim Fishburn wearing a light blue buffalo branded polo, in a bright, modern office.

Tim Fishburn

Project Executive

Caricature of Tim Fishburn waterskiing with a bright orange life vest and blue UK swim trunks.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Wayne Gretzky
Tim Fishburn
Eric Fleming wearing a black buffalo branded polo and hat, standing in buffalo's office space.

Eric Fleming

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Eric Fleming holding his two dogs while wearing a buffalo construction hat, with his truck and RV are parked behind him.
"If you're not willing to learn, no one can help you, if you are willing to learn, no one can stop you." -Zig Zigler
Eric Fleming
Scott Flood, wearing an orange Buffalo Construction shirt and a Buffalo-branded hat, standing in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Scott Flood

Buffalo Builders Crew Member

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
Quote pending...Scott is busy building!
Scott Flood
Steve Fordenbacher wearing a buffalo branded button down shirt, while standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Steve Fordenbacher

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Steve Fordenbacher scuba diving with a shark, a deep sea turtle, an array of fish and other marine life.
"You are where you are because that is exactly where you want to be!"
Steve Fordenbacher
Dakota Forish smiling, wearing a bright orange polo , standing in buffalo's office space.

Dakota Forish

Buffalo Builders Crew Member

The Buffalo president
Quote pending...Dakota is busy building!
Dakota Forish
Lee Fowler smiling as she stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Lee Fowler

Talent Acquistion

Caricature of Lee hiking with her dog Margo.
"Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you." - Walt Whitman
Lee Fowler
Aaron Fowler wearing a red polo, smiling and standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Aaron Fowler

Project Engineer

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"You've got that inner pain, that hunger for success..and when you get it, it's gonna be all the more sweet Dog!" - Matthew Lillard
Aaron Fowler
Matthew Frazier smiling, wearing a gray jacket, standing in buffalo's office space.

Matthew Frazier

Field Safety Specialist

The Buffalo president
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Matthew Frazier
Matt Freire wearing a button down and vest, smiling warmly in a bright, modern office.

Matt Freire

Business Unit Leader - Buffalo Builders

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"YET TODAY, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth." — Lou Gehrig
Matt Freire
Chris French with a slight smile, wearing a buffalo branded polo, standing in buffalo's office space.

Chris French

Senior Project Estimator

Caricature of Chris French spiking a volleyball over the net and wearing a number 1 jersey.
"If you do what you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it, you can do what you want to do when you want to do it." -Papaw Doc(Chris's Dad)
Chris French
Philip "Krusty" Gamez wearing a buffalo branded button down and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Philip "Krusty" Gamez

Warranty Manager

Caricature of Krusty Gamez flying a drone over a construction site, with his plane parked behind him.
"We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better." -JK Rowling
Philip "Krusty" Gamez
Haxer Gamez smiling in buffalo gear, standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Haxer Gamez

Buffalo Builders Crew Member

Caricature of Haxer Gamez in baseball gear, tossing a ball into the air while leaning on a baseball bat.
Quote pending...Haxer is busy building!
Haxer Gamez
Deanna Garcia with bright blue eyes, smiling and standing in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Deanna Garcia

Project Accountant

The Buffalo president
"Treat a man as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he could be, and he will become what he should be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Deanna Garcia
Julia Geraci smiling and standing in buffalo's office space.

Julia Geraci

Safety Director

Caricature of Julia Geraci hiking in the mountains.
"Discipline is the pathway to freedom." -Jocko Willink
Julia Geraci
Adi Giorcelli with a bright smile as she stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Adi Giorcelli

Culture Curator

Caricature of Adi Giorcelli wearing a pi beta phi shirt, in the mountains with her jeep and her suitcase featuring stickers of the places she's traveled to.
"I've learned that people will forget what you said...what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou
Adi Giorcelli
Gio Giorcelli wearing a buffalo branded vest and smiling in front of a company-branded wall.

Gio Giorcelli

Team Lead

Caricature of Gio Giorcelli wearing a chefs jacket while tossing pizza dough.
"Every day may not be good... but there is something good in every day." -Pollyana
Gio Giorcelli
Larry Glidewell with a faint smile, wearing a buffalo construction branded polo and standing in buffalo's office space.

Larry Glidewell

Buffalo Builders Crew Lead

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"Treat everyday like it's your last."
Larry Glidewell
Art Glynn softly smiling in a bright, modern office.

Art Glynn

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Art Glynn grilling steaks and burgers with his dog by his side.
Quote pending... Art is busy building!
Art Glynn
Armando Gomez smiling as he stands proudly in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Armando Gomez

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Armando Gomez holding his dog while sitting on a rock in a lake.
"Stay hungry. Let's eat." -Armando Gomez
Armando Gomez
Stevye Gonzales smiling as she stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Stevye Gonzales

Project Administrator

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
Quote pending...Stevye is busy keeping her projects in line!
Stevye Gonzales
Kristopher Gorter wearing a smile in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures

Kristopher Gorter

Team Lead

Caricature of Kris Gorter
"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way." -Napoleon Hill
Kristopher Gorter
Donnie Gossett standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Donnie Gossett

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Donnie Gossett riding his motorcycle.
"Just relax, it will all come together in the end."
Donnie Gossett
David Greenwell wearing a bright lime green buffalo branded polo as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

David Greenwell

Project Superintendent

Caricature of David Greenwell hunting ghost, wearing a ghostbusters t-shirt while he holds a flashlight and is followed by a ghost in a cemetery next to a haunted house.
"There's never a problem... only a solution." -David G.
David Greenwell
Andy Gregor wearing a smile, standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Andy Gregor

Owner, Executive Vice President

Caricature of Andy Gregor surfing it up on some waves.
"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work." -Colin Powell
Andy Gregor
Jamie Gregor wearing a smile in a bright, modern office.

Jamie Gregor

Caricature of Jamie Gregor cheering on the U of L cardinals at a game, waving a Go Cards flag.
"Trust the process."
Jamie Gregor
Scott Gregor smiling as he proudly stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Scott A. Gregor

Owner, Founder

Caricature of Scott Gregor golfing with Roman the Buffalo in the background.
"1937 - The prescription Dr. Bob wrote to all Alcoholics! It still applies today! 1. Trust God 2. Clean house 3. Help others." -Dr. Bob
Scott A. Gregor
Caleb Griggs wearing a black sweater with a white shirt, smiling confidently in a bright, modern office.

Caleb Griggs

Project Engineer

The Buffalo president
"A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought - they must be earned" - Naval Ravikant
Caleb Griggs
Natalie Harrison wearing a buffalo branded polo and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Natalie Harrison

Project Coordinator

Caricature of Natalie Harrison hiking with her small gray dog.
"You can often change your circumstances by changing your attitude." -Eleanor Roosevelt
Natalie Harrison
Ben Heckman smiling and standing in buffalo's office space.

Ben Heckman

Project Manager

Caricature of Ben Heckman on his fishing boat Rita.
"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection." -Mark Twain
Ben Heckman
Joseph Hensel wearing a button down shirt and standing in a bright, modern office.

Joseph Hensel

Project Estimator

Caricature of Joseph Hensel woodworking in a room with a wall decorated with symbols like The Rolling Stones, prince, ghostbusters and batman.
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning." -Albert Einstein
Joseph Hensel
Paul Hess giving a smile in a bright lime green buffalo branded shirt, standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Paul Hess

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Paul Hess with a number one foam finger and cheering on the buffalo bills in a bills jersey.
"Some people make excuses, some people get it done." -A billboard in Arizona on the way to California
Paul Hess
Thomas Holmes, wearing a blue button down shirt, standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Thomas Holmes

Buffalo Builders Project Engineer

The Buffalo president
"We must use time creatively, and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right." -Nelson Mandela
Thomas Holmes
Damon Hourihan slightly smiling in a Carhartt jacket standing in buffalo's office space.

Damon Hourihan

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Damon Hourihan deep sea fishing on his boat, while reeling in a sword fish.
"Sometimes the best we can do is not enough, sometimes we must do what is required." -Benjamin Franklin
Damon Hourihan
Justin Houston wearing a red buffalo branded polo and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Justin Houston

Team Lead

Justin Houston driving his ATV on the beach and loaded on the back of the vehicle is a pair of ski's, a surfboard and a baseball bat.
"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in the person's determination." -Tommy Lasorda
Justin Houston
Jason Hunt smiling as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Jason Hunt

Team Member for Life

Caricature of Jason Hunt golfing with his sunglasses on his head and a red polo.
John Hunter wearing a suit, looking distinguished in a bright, modern office.

John Hunter

Owner, Chief Operating Officer

Caricature of John Hunter working on a wood working project, his thumb enlarged and red surrounded by stars.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." -Luke 6:31
John Hunter
Mark Jackson wearing a forest green buffalo branded button down shirt, standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Mark Jackson

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Mark Jackson with a Hawaiian shirt standing at the end of a dock, fishing with a catch in hand.
"Choose your battles wisely." -Unknown
Mark Jackson
Donny Jenkins rocking a mustache, smiling and standing in buffalo's office space.

Donny Jenkins

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Donny Jenkins wearing a Georgia Bulldogs t-shirt that shows off his tattoos while he skateboards.
"Nobody cares that you know...until they know that you care!" -Unknown
Donny Jenkins
Don Johnson proudly wearing a buffalo construction hard hat, standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Don Johnson


Caricature of Don Johnson grilling shrimp in his backyard with a book open beside him.
“Be honest with yourself — recognize what you’re good at and what you're not.”
Don Johnson
Megan Jones wearing a smile in a bright, modern office.

Megan Jones

Project Manager

Caricature of Megan Jones taking photographs of the Golden Gate Bridge while visiting San Fransisco.
"Every truth is a kindness, even if it makes others uncomfortable. Every untruth is an unkindness, even if it makes others comfortable."-Glennon Doyle
Megan Jones
Jamie Kabalen smiling, wearing a gray sweater, standing in buffalo's office space.

Jamie Kabalen

Buffalo Builders Crew Leader

The Buffalo president
"Never let the fear of striking out get in your way." -Babe Ruth
Jamie Kabalen
Blade Kearns wearing a black sweater and blue shirt, smiling in a bright, modern office.

Blade Kearns

Project Engineer

The Buffalo president
"Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability." -John Wooden
Blade Kearns
Max Kushner with a big smile and standing in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Max Kushner

Project Engineer

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"Not all those who wander are lost..." — J.R.R. Tolkien
Max Kushner
Jeff Lee wearing a cowboy hat, smiling as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Jeff Lee

Project Superintendent

The Buffalo president
Quote pending... Jeff is busy building!
Jeff Lee
Christy Lester smiling as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Christy Lester

Project Accountant

Caricature of Christy Lester hiking near a waterfall, wearing a I heart travel t-shirt.
"Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one." -Robert Greene
Christy Lester
Joe Lewis with blue eyes wearing a blue button down, in a bright, modern office.

Joe Lewis

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Joe Lewis coaching a baseball team, whistle in hand and a blue shirt that reads "coach".
"If a guy doesn't work hard and doesn't play well, he can't lead anything. All he is, is a talker." -John Madden
Joe Lewis
Caleb Marcum wearing a stripped shit and standing tall in buffalo's office space.

Caleb Marcum

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Caleb Marcum riding his motorcycle.
"If you're going through hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
Caleb Marcum
Laura Marlin smiling in a bright, modern office.

Laura Marlin

Project Accountant

Caricature of Laura Marlin on a farm, riding on a tractor with her dog by her side and cows in the background.
"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." -Amelia Earhart
Laura Marlin
Headshot of Hayleigh Martin

Hayleigh Martin

Project Accounting Manager

Caricature of Hayleigh balancing being a mom to a toddler with a bottle in hand and the other on a calculator crunching numbers.
"We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are." -Max Dupree
Hayleigh Martin
Larry Martin with a soft smile as he stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Larry Martin

Project Manager

The Buffalo president
"Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit." - Frank Borman
Larry Martin
Bill Mattli wearing a white cowboy hat with a smirk, standing in buffalo's office space.

Bill Mattli

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Bill Mattli fly fishing and standing in a river, with a trout on the hook of his rod.
Quote pending... Bill is busy building!
Bill Mattli
Ryan Mayorga smiling as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Ryan Mayorga

Project Engineer

Caricature of Ryan Mayorga hiking in the mountains.
"Enjoying success requires the ability to adapt. Only being open to change will have a true opportunity to get the most from your talent." -Nolan Ryan
Ryan Mayorga
Bill McCrary wearing a great sweater and standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Bill McCrary

Project Manager

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them." -Michael Jordan
Bill McCrary
Todd McDaniel standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Todd McDaniel

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Todd McDaniel riding his motorcycle.
Quote pending... Todd is busy building!
Todd McDaniel
Brian McGee wearing a black buffalo branded polo, smiling and standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures

Brian McGee

Senior Project Estimator

Caricature of Brian McGee outside of the New Orleans, Saints stadium, wearing a Saints jersey, with a ticket in hand.
"Make each day your masterpiece." –John Wooden
Brian McGee
Philip McMahan looking sharp and standing in buffalo's office space.

Philip McMahan

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Philip McMahan hiking with his dog through a mountain setting.
"What matters most is how well you walk through fire." -Charles Bukowski
Philip McMahan
Lucas Meiners wearing a smile and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Lucas Meiners

Project Engineer

Caricature of Lucas Meiners standing with a fish in hand caught on a hook and a bow and arrow in the other hand, wearing a vikings t-shirt.
"Everything happens for a reason." -Unknown
Lucas Meiners
Scott Messer wearing a blue buffalo construction branded polo, smiling in a bright, modern office.

Scott Messer

Project Engineer

The Buffalo president
"Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you." -Misty Copeland
Scott Messer
Laura Miller smiling, wearing a white top and black jacket, standing in buffalo's office space.

Laura Miller

Marketing Design Coordinator

The Buffalo president
"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of being." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Laura Miller
Austin Mock smiling as he stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Austin Mock

Project Engineer

Caricature of Austin tossing a football on the beach with his dog.
"It's not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters." -Paul "Bear" Bryant
Austin Mock
Mindy Montfort smiling as she stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Mindy Montfort

Project Accountant

Caricature of Mindy Montfort baking in her kitchen with her toddler behind her.
"When you feel life run out of focus, always return to basic of life: Breathing. No breathe, no life." -Mr. Miyagi
Mindy Montfort
Kevin Montgomery, bright-eyed with a soft smile, standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Kevin Montgomery

Director of Operations

Caricature of Kevin Montgomery in a folding chair, wearing an Alabama jersey with a bottle of Blanton's and a drink in hand next to a fire.
"Focus on the process of what it takes to be successful." -Nick Saban
Kevin Montgomery
Brett Norton smiling, wearing a nice button down, standing in buffalo's office space.

Brett Norton


Caricature of Brett Norton working on a bright green Volkswagen Beetle.
"The amount you give will determine the amount you get back." -Luke 6:38
Brett Norton
David Ovitt smiling and wearing a blue polo, in a bright, modern office.

David Ovitt

Project Superintendent

The Buffalo president
Quote pending... David is busy building!
David Ovitt
Steve Oyler with a long beard and a nice smile standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Steve Oyler

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Steve Oyler being a handy-man during a home renovation.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" -Philippians 4:13, the Apostle Paul
Steve Oyler
Andrea Pachner smiling and standing in buffalo's office space.

Andrea Pachner

Director of People

Caricature of Andrea Pachner cheering on an Ironman competition while in San Fransisco.
"The most meaningful way to succeed is to help others succeed." –Adam Grant
Andrea Pachner
Teresa Parsons wearing a navy blue sweater and smiling in a bright, modern office.

Teresa Parsons

Teammate Accounting Specialist

Caricature of Teresa Parsons cheering on her children playing sports from the bleachers.
"Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care." -Scott Gregor
Teresa Parsons
Preston Pearl, wearing a button up shirt and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Preston Pearl

Buffalo Builders Project Engineer

The Buffalo president
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." -Gandalf
Preston Pearl
Bryan Pegg wearing a black buffalo branded polo and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Bryan Pegg

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Bryan Pegg in a Harley Davidson shirt, fishing at the edge of a lake and has caught a bass.
"Whatever you do in life is your choice, do your best to make the best choice first." -Bryan's grandpa
Bryan Pegg
Jennifer Pineda smiling, wearing a floral top, standing in buffalo's office space.

Jennifer Pineda

Senior Support Specialist

Caricature of Jennifer Pineda kayaking down a river in a hot pink kayak.
"The road to success is always under construction." -Lilly Tomlin
Jennifer Pineda
Carter Price smiling as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Carter Price

Project Manager

Caricature of Carter Price petting his dog and golfing with a bottle of whiskey.
"Don't gain the world and lose your soul. Wisdom is better than silver and gold." -Bob Marley
Carter Price
Thomas Prisock warmly smiling in a bright, modern office.

Thomas Prisock

Buffalo Builders Construction Field Manager

Caricature of Thomas Prisock tailgating with his truck, grill and cooler at a Mississippi University stadium game.
"Tough times never last, but tough people do." -Robert H. Schuller
Thomas Prisock
Kevin Rambo smiling as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Kevin Rambo

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet."-General Mattis, USMC
Kevin Rambo
Nathan Rariden bright-eyed and smiling, standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Nathan Rariden

Project Executive

Caricature of Nathan Rariden sitting in a folding chair, wearing IU t-shirt, drink in hand, cheering on his children playing soccer while his wife is parking a motorcycle in the background.
"Be the reason someone else smiles today!"
Nathan Rariden
Austin Reed smiling as he stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Austin Reed

Project Engineer

The Buffalo president
"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." -John Wayne
Austin Reed
Christine Rey wearing a bright smile and standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Christine Rey

Support Manager

Caricature of Christine Rey with a bright smile and skiing down a mountain in pink and purple snow gear.
"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." -C.S. Lewis
Christine Rey
Santos Reyes wearing a green polo and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Santos Reyes

Buffalo Builders Crew Member

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"So all the things that you want men to do to you, so you do to them."
Santos Reyes
Greg Riggs with a serious face, wearing a gray t-shirt and standing in buffalo's office space.

Greg Riggs

Project Superintendent

Greg Riggs in hunting gear, sitting on a stump and surrounded by wildlife.
Quote pending... Greg is busy building!
Greg Riggs
Brad Rigney wearing a Texas Roadhouse and buffalo branded sweater and smiling in a bright, modern office.

Brad Rigney

Project Manager

Caricature of Brad Rigney golfing with Cubs branded golf clubs, a hat and polo shirt.
"I follow three rules: do the right thing, do the best you can, and always show people you care." -Lou Holtz
Brad Rigney
David Rodriguez wearing a bright orange shirt and standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

David Rodriguez

Buffalo Builders Crew Member

The Buffalo president
Quote pending...David is busy building!
David Rodriguez
Val Rosales smiling and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Val Rosales

Buffalo Builders Crew Lead

Caricature of Val Rosales playing poker and winning.
Quote pending...Val is busy building!
Val Rosales
Jim Sanders wearing a UK polo as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Jim Sanders

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Jim Sanders wearing a UK polo, roasting hot dogs on a campfire, sitting on a tree log with his two dogs by his side.
Quote pending... Jim is busy building!
Jim Sanders
Jessie Sema with a smile as he stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Jessie Sema

Project Engineer

The Buffalo president
"Be who you are and be that well." -St. Francis De Sales
Jessie Sema
Sarah Sheilley wearing a smile and a buffalo branded button down, in a bright, modern office.

Sarah Sheilley

Director of First Impressions

Caricature of Sarah Sheilley holding a bald eagle and U.S. flag, while wearing a Proud Marine Mom t-shirt.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." -The Golden Rule
Sarah Sheilley
Chris Smith smiling and standing in buffalo's office space.

Chris Smith

Project Manager

The Buffalo president
"Work hard, play hard, dream big, love loads, laugh as much as you can, and give back." - Deirdre O'Kane
Chris Smith
Collin Spink wearing a smile and standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Collin Spink

Project Manager

Caricature of Collin Spink sitting in a recliner with his dog by his side, wearing a colts jersey and watching a colts game on tv.
"Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward." -John C. Maxwell
Collin Spink
Dawn Starcher wearing a buffalo branded button down and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Dawn Starcher

Teammate Resource Manager

Caricature of Dawn Starcher dancing to some music.
"Strong women aren't born, they're made!" -Unknown
Dawn Starcher
Rachel Steele wearing a buffalo branded shirt and smiling in a bright, modern office.

Rachel Steele

Permitting and Licensing Coordinator

Caricature of Rachel Steele running with a book called world's top travel destinations.
"Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching." -C.S. Lewis
Rachel Steele
Joey Stephans wearing a gray shirt, smiling softly in a bright, modern office.

Joey Stephans

Project Estimator

The Buffalo president
“May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out” - J.R.R. Tolkien
Joey Stephans
Kevin Stoughton smiling softly as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Kevin Stoughton

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Kevin Stoughton sitting in a recliner with food on the table in front of him, wearing a New York giants jersey.
"Don't waste your time in the past, rather, look ahead to the future." -Kevin Stoughton
Kevin Stoughton
Maddie Sturgeon smiling, wearing a buffalo branded button down shirt , standing in buffalo's office space.

Maddie Sturgeon

Project Engineer

Caricature of Maddie Sturgeon as a mermaid on the beach with her dog and clouds shaped like Mickey Mouse in the distance.
"You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lines. You may trod me in the very dirt, but still, like dust, I'll rise." -Maya Angelou
Maddie Sturgeon
Ben Taylor wearing a polo and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Ben Taylor

Project Engineer

Caricature of Ben driving his boat past 2 ducklings and waving.
"Anyone can hoot and howler with owls at night, but it takes a real man to soar with the eagles in the morning."
Ben Taylor
Shiloh Trahan smiling in a bright, modern office.

Shiloh Trahan

Project Engineer

Caricature of Shiloh Trahan enjoying a drink in one hand and oysters in the other, on a lounge chair on the beach.
"He who is contented is rich." -Lao Tzu
Shiloh Trahan
Mitchell Tulk smiling, wearing a buffalo branded pullover and standing in buffalo's office space.

Mitchell Tulk

Project Manager

Caricature of Mitchell Tulk playing ice-hockey for the US Naval Academy.
"True humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less." - C.S. Lewis
Mitchell Tulk
Jessica Wafzig wearing a plaid buffalo branded button down, smiling in a bright, modern office.

Jessica Wafzig

Branding and Content Specialist

Caricature of Jessica Wafzig wearing a U of L jersey while outdoors with her dog and parked ATV.
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt
Jessica Wafzig
Clay Wallace wearing a buffalo branded polo and hat, standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Clay Wallace

Project Estimator

Caricature of Clay Wallace searing steaks on a grill.
"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." -Muhammad Ali
Clay Wallace
Kenny Walsh smiling and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Kenny Walsh

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Kenny Walsh kayaking on the river with a bright orange kayak and blue life vest.
"Keep calm and carry on." -Winston Churchill
Kenny Walsh
Jon Weitz wearing a bright blue buffalo branded polo, standing in buffalo's office space.

Jon Weitz

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Jon Weitz wearing a steelers jersey at a football game.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." -Walt Disney
Jon Weitz
Savannah Whiticker smiling as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Savannah Whiticker

Project Engineer

The Buffalo president
"My hero is me at 35... my hero is always ten years away... it keeps me with somebody to keep on chasing..." - Matthew McConaughey Best Actor | Oscars
Savannah Whiticker
Travis Whitley wearing a buffalo branded polo and standing in a bright, modern office.

Travis Whitley

Buffalo Builders Crew Member

Caricature of Travis Whitley is standing with an American flag in hand while an eagle flies behind him.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." –Luke 6:31
Travis Whitley
Blake Williams with a faint smile, wearing a light-blue button down, standing in buffalo's office space.

Blake Williams

Project Manager

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"Everything you want is on the other side of fear." -Jack Canfield
Blake Williams
Jay Wilson giving a smile while standing in front of a wall displaying framed caricatures.

Jay Wilson

Project Superintendent

Caricature of Jay Wilson wood working, hammer in hand, building a bird house.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." - Luke 6:31
Jay Wilson
Garrett Young smiling and standing in front of a company-branded wall.

Garrett Young

Project Engineer

Caricature of Garrett Young with a deer and wearing hunting gear.
"Talk softly and carry a big stick." -Teddy Roosevelt
Garrett Young
Cory Zilisch smiling brightly as he stands in front of a statue of a buffalo.

Cory Zilisch

Technical Learning & Development Writer

Caricature of Roman the buffalo working on a construction job site.
"Follow along, don't take risks, just keep your head down and work, and you'll achieve your dreams." -No One Ever
Cory Zilisch

Herd Strong

Our people are

the foundation

Just like the buffalo who give us our name, The Herd knows that there’s strength in numbers. We thrive on the collective power of our people—both our exceptional teammates and our valued partners. That’s why we only work with people who share our core values; because it’s not the build that makes the project successful, it’s the connections forged through teamwork that define our achievements.

Join the herd

The highest standards in construction, communication, and client relationships.

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